UIE Liquid Chlorophyll
K-Liquid Chlorophyll’s three main benefits
Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body.
Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our body.
Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count.
What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is life’s natural elixir contained in the green pigment of plants. In the process known as “photosynthesis”, chlorophyll in green plants traps and stores the energy of sunlight, together with carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil to produce food. The energy is required to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose – the chief source of energy for living organisms.
Why choose Alfalfa?
Alfalfa is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Its roots grow deep into the soil to absorb minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and etc.
One table spoon of K-Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It is a natural source of nutrient that is vital in stimulating good health.
Fights Free Radicals to Reduce Wrinkles & amp; Aging
The chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases in the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to ageing.
Chlorophyll is rich in:
Zinc –Zinc combines with vitamin A to promote good health Selenium –Protects and energizes body cells Vitamin E –Anti-ageing, nourishes skin and keeps the brain active Vitamin C –Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties Vitamin A –Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision.
Other nutrients include protein, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.
Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System
Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.
Blood Production Property
Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.
Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins
Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However, after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.
Reduces the Body’s Problems
Scientist Offen Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.
Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion.The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions
UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll is Healthty drink ( Herbal Drink) which component part from essence of alfalfa leaf. (Medicago sativa), a herbal which high value. UIE is Universe Induce Energy,it has content energi of Ultra Violet.
Essence of alfalfa leaf contents: Sodium, Copper, Chlorophyllin, vit. A, B-complex, C, E, Calsium,Magnesium, Pospor, Asam Amino, Alpha ^ Beta Carotine + UIE.
1. Anti oksidant, better eyes health,lung, stomach.
2. One spone same with one kg vegetables
3. To speed and clean blood from poison
4. Anti cancer
5. Hormon stabilize.
6. Fast heal wounds
7. Increase absorb of nutrision and energy.
UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll
UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll adalah minuman kesehatan ( Herbal Drink ) yang bahan utamanya adalah sari klorofil dari daun alfalfa ( Medicago sativa), suatu herbal bernilai nutrisi tinggi. UIE singkatan dari Universe Induce Energy. Jadi disamping mengandung nutrisi, ada pula kandungan energinya berupa Ultra Violet.
Sari Daun Alfalfa yang mengandung : Sodium, Copper, Chlorophyllin, Vit A, B-Complex, C, E, Calsium, Magnesium, Pospor, Asam Amino, Alpha & Beta Carotine + UIE.
1. Sebagai anti oksidant, baik untuk kesehatan mata, paru-paru, lambung, pencernaan dll.
2. Satu sendok sama dengan 1 Kg sayur
3. Memperlancar dan membersihkan darah dari segala bentuk racun dan zat kimia dalam
4. Berfungsi sebagai anti kanker
5. Menjaga keseimbangan hormone dan keasaman dalam tubuh
6. Menghalangi pertumbuhan bakteri dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka
7. Meningkatkan daya serap nutrisi dan energi
Fungsi Utama UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll
1. Cleansing
Membersihkan system pencernaan, membersihkan darah, membunuh bakteri,
mencegah infeksi dan detoksifikasi.
2. Balancing
Menyeimbangkan kadar asam dan alkali didalam tubuh.
3. Nourishing
Meregenerasi sel darah merah dan menstimulasi regenerasi sel
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